Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

ONE MINUTE UPSKILL: Get Better at Focussing in just 60 Seconds!


Aaand we’re back for our second edition (minute) of the series.
Short attention span? Let’s level up the skill of ‘focussing’ in just one minute. Attention span of a goldfish? Maybe you’d like to
watch this as in an animated video? ;)

3, 2, 1… GO!

Tip 1: Know your distractions (and get rid of them).

Got an important work project to complete but can’t seem to get off TikTok? It might be time to put ALL your devices on airplane mode. Whatever your distraction, it can be hard to ‘turn it off’ at the start, but once you get the ball rolling on your to-dos, you’ll for sure build momentum.

Tip 2: Remind yourself of the why:

Why are you trying to lose a few pounds? Why are you sitting this exam? Chances are there is a larger, longer term goal you want to achieve in the end. Frame that. Put it by your bed. Make it your phone lock-screen.. If what you want to achieve is always in the front of the mind, I guarantee you’ll be more motivated to do it.

Tip 3: Clear space, clear mind.

Make sure your work space is clutter free, tidy and clean. Clear spaces will not only remove the distraction, but stop your mind from trying to focus on all the other things in the area.

So, did you stay focussed these past 60 seconds? Congrats, you’ve levelled up!

